How You Can Help
Donations to MI-UCP provide important funding to our valuable programs and services that will help us close the disability divide.
Click the links below to donate to MI-UCP and to help close the disability divide.
You can also donate directly via Venmo
Venmo: @MI-UCP

Who Supports MI-UCP?
MI-UCP is supported through various fundraising activities, special events, bequests and memorials, and private donations. MI-UCP* is consistently recognized as one of the most efficient charitable organizations in the United States by several publications, including The Chronicle of Philanthropy. More than 85 cents of every dollar raised is used to provide programs and services for people with disabilities. We are also one of many non-profit organizations that receive funds from United Way Community Services. To learn more, please email info@mi-ucp.org
Planned Giving
A planned gift may take various forms and is a wonderful way to support the MI-UCP. Gifts should be designated to the Michigan United Cerebral Palsy (tax id number 38-1368516). MI-UCP accepts gifts of cash, securities and real estate made through the following avenues:
A gift in a will or trust – Remembering MI-UCP with a gift in your will or trust is an excellent legacy for you and your family.
Retirement plans – Consider a gift from your tax-deferred retirement assets including IRA, 401K, 403b, or pension.
Charitable Gift Annuity or Remainder Trust – Make a gift to fund a life income arrangement. The benefits include lifetime payments or payments over a term of years, an income tax deduction this year and capital gains tax saving when funded with appreciated assets. After you have received all payments, the remainder helps further MI-UCP’s mission.
Charitable Lead Trust – After a term of variable or fixed gifts to MI-UCP, your trust assets are transferred back to your family and loved ones. The trust provides sustainable tax savings to you each year.
Life Insurance – You are able to donate an unneeded paid life insurance policy or name the Michigan United Cerebral Palsy as a beneficiary on your policy.
Cash Gift – Make a gift of cash this year, benefit from an income tax deduction and know that MI-UCP will put your money to good use. To honor those supporters who have chosen to leave a planned gift to MI-UCP, we will:
Recognize you at our Annual Awards Luncheon
Give recognition in our annual report and newsletter
Award two passes for one of our Annual Events
Give you the knowledge and comfort that the work of MI-UCP will continue both during and after your lifetime If you are interested in including MI-UCP in your future financial plans, please reach out to us (click here). Helpful Links:
IRS Tips on Charitable Giving
Bequests to Your Favorite Charity
To learn more, please email plannedgiving@mi-ucp.org