Employment Services
• Benefits Counseling
• What is Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)?
WIPA is a step by step process to assist people with disabilities, receiving benefits from Social Security, with understanding how employment will affect their Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and other benefits they may receive. WIPA also helps beneficiaries to understand how they can increase their financial independence.
• Who is eligible?
To be eligible to receive WIPA services you must be:
· Receiving benefits from Social Security based on a disability (SSDI or SSI)
· Are at least 14 years old
· Are not yet eligible to receive full retirement benefits
· Are employed or are considering employment
• What can WIPA do for me?
​You will work with a Community Work Incentive Counselor (CWIC), who will help you to understand, and plan for, the affect employment may have on your benefits, including:
· Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cash benefits
· Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
· Medicare
· Medicaid
· Other Health or Disability Insurance
· Unemployment Benefits
· Veterans Benefits
· Housing Subsidies
· Food Assistance
Your CWIC will assist you through the development of a Work Incentives Plan so that you can make the best use of the many options available to support your employment goals.
• How can I learn more?
If you would like general information about how work might affect your benefits, you can call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. If you use TTY services for people with hearing impairments, use 1-866-833-2967. If you are working or you have a job offer, the Help Line can refer you directly for Work Incentives Planning and Assistance services.
Online: You can find out more about work incentives, the WIPA program, and explore additional resources at www.socialsecurity.gov/work.
For more information regarding benefits counseling, please contact wipa@mi-ucp.org
• What if I don't qualify for WIPA services?
If you do not qualify for services under the WIPA project, MI-UCP can provide benefits counseling through our fee for service program. We work closely with Employment Networks, Vocational Rehabilitations and other employment agencies to ensure all beneficiaries in need of benefits planning have access to this service.
Note: The WIPA project is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Social Security Administration.
Benefits Counseling
Benefits Counseling helps Social Security beneficiaries make better, more informed decisions about starting or returning to work, and how their work decisions can affect the benefits they receive.
At MI-UCP, our specialized team works individually with people who are currently working or seeking employment and help them plan, through using work incentives, to build a more secure financial future and a better life.
Our staff works with Employment Networks, Michigan Works One Stop Career Centers, local Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) offices, Bureau Services for Blind People (BSBP), and other community agencies.
We can help you to understand how your work affects a variety of benefits, including:
• Medicaid
• Medicare Part A, B & D
• Social Security Income (SSI)
• Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
• Food Assistance Housing Subsidies
• Workers Compensation
• Unemployment Insurance
• Veterans Benefits
• Short/Long Term Disability
• Individual Development Accounts (IDA)
• Earned Income Tax Credits
To find out more information about MI-UCP Benefits Counseling services, or make a personal appointment, please email benefitscounsel@mi-ucp.org or download our pdf.