Financial Services
MI-UCP Loan Programs
MI-UCP is offering a variety of loan possibilities and assistance.
• Close The Equity Divide Fund (CEDF)
• The Mini-Loan Fund
Representative Payee
Some people with disabilities need help managing their money, such as a minor or an elderly person with dementia. The goal is to ensure that benefit payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and/or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are managed properly.
The good news is that MI-UCP can be appointed by the SSA to be the representative payee for people with disabilities who cannot manage or get someone else to manage their money. At MI-UCP, our responsibilities include money management, providing protection from financial abuse and victimization, and establishing a productive, long-term relationship with our clients.
The core responsibilities of money management are to pay for the person’s present and foreseeable needs and to properly save any excess funds. To be clear, our definition of the term “needs” includes everything the person would otherwise manage for themselves.
As the payee, MI-UCP keeps detailed records of the person’s expenses and savings. And when the Social Security Administration (SSA) requests a report, we seamlessly provide them with an accounting that is formatted to the SSA’s requirements.
For more information, please email reppayee@mi-ucp.org or click here to download our pdf.
Also, please note the following online information:
A Guide For Representative Payees: www.socialsecurity.gov/payee
Benefits Counseling
Benefits Counseling helps Social Security beneficiaries make better, more informed decisions about starting or returning to work, and how their work decisions can affect the benefits they receive.
At MI-UCP, our specialized team works individually with people who are currently working or seeking employment and help them plan, through using work incentives, to build a more secure financial future and a better life.
Our staff works with Employment Networks, Michigan Works One Stop Career Centers, local Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) offices, Bureau Services for Blind People (BSBP), and other community agencies.
We can help you to understand how your work affects a variety of benefits, including:
• Medicaid
• Medicare Part A, B & D
• Social Security Income (SSI)
• Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
• Food Assistance Housing Subsidies
• Workers Compensation
• Unemployment Insurance
• Veterans Benefits
• Short/Long Term Disability
• Individual Development Accounts (IDA)
• Earned Income Tax Credits
To find out more information about MI-UCP Benefits Counseling services, or make a personal appointment, please email benefitscounsel@mi-ucp.org or download our pdf.