At MI-UCP, we continue to forge partnerships throughout Michigan and the country in order to better serve the 1.4 Michiganders with disabilities. Each of these is an important voice and resource in our effort to close the disability divide. To become part of our team, email info@mi-ucp.org
The Arc Michigan: https://arcmi.org/
MSHDA: https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/
Disability Rights Michigan: https://www.drmich.org/
Michigan Alliance for Families: https://www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/
Michigan Rehabilitation Services: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-94422_97702---,00.html
Michigan Disability Rights Coalition: https://www.copower.org/
Comerica Bank: https://www.comerica.com/
MSU Federal Credit Union: https://www.msufcu.org/
Wayne State DDI: https://ddi.wayne.edu/
Team Rehabilitation Services: https://team-rehab.com/
Euro-Peds Intensive Pediatric Therapy: http://europeds.org/
Community Housing Network: https://communityhousingnetwork.org/
Presutti Advocacy: https://www.presuttiadvocacy.com/
Thank you to our sponsors who provide assistance for each of the MI-UCP events each year.